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Oracle Database Problem Solving and Troubleshooting Handbook by Mike Ault download TXT, PDF, FB2


An Expert Guide for Solving Complex Oracle Database Problems Oracle Database Problem Solving and Troubleshooting Handbook delivers comprehensive, practical, and up-to-date advice for running the Oracle Database reliably and efficiently in complex production environments. Seven leading Oracle experts have brought together an unmatched collection of proven solutions, hands-on examples, and step-by-step tips for Oracle Database 12 c , 11 g , and other recent versions of Oracle Database. Every solution is crafted to help experienced Oracle DBAs and DMAs understand and fix serious problems as rapidly as possible. The authors cover LOB segments, UNDO tablespaces, high GC buffer wait events, poor query response times, latch contention, indexing, XA distributed transactions, RMAN backup/recovery, and much more. They also offer in-depth coverage of a wide range of topics, including DDL optimization, VLDB tuning, database forensics, adaptive cursor sharing, data pumps, data migration, SSDs, indexes, and how to go about fixing Oracle RAC problems. Learn how to Choose the quickest path to solve high-impact problems Use modern best practices to make your day more efficient and predictable Construct your "Call 9-1-1 plan" for future database emergencies Proactively perform maintenance to improve your environment's stability Save time with industry-standard tools and scripts Register your product for convenient access to downloads, updates, and corrections as they become available., If you're responsible for running Oracle reliably and efficiently in a complex production environment, Oracle Problem Solving and Troubleshooting Handbook offers you more practical, usable help than any other book. Eight world-class Oracle experts have brought together an unprecedented collection of real-world solutions, hands-on examples, and step-by-step tuning and troubleshooting tips for Oracle 12c, 11g, and other recent versions of the Oracle database. All of this handbook's solutions share one guiding principle: to help you fix serious problems as rapidly as possible. The authors present rapid-fire solutions to a wide range of real-world problems, explaining each of them with exceptional simplicity and clarity. You'll learn today's best ways to solve problems with LOB segments, UNDO tablespaces, high GC buffer wait events, poor query response times, latch contention, indexing, XA distributed transactions, RMAN backup/recovery problems, and much more. The authors also offer in-depth coverage of adaptive cursor sharing, DDL optimization, VLDB tuning, database forensics/tuning, data pumps, data migration, SSDs, indexes, fixing Oracle RAC "nightmare scenarios," and much more. For modern Oracle DBAs and DMAs, this book is, quite simply, indispensable."

Oracle Database Problem Solving and Troubleshooting Handbook by Mike Ault read book DJV, TXT, PDF

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